
Broken Bird Logo

The Broken Bird Inc.

We are a 501 (C)3, Non-Profit, Charitable Organization. We are committed to offering personalized care and quality client service to promote restoration and healing in the lives of the individuals, families, and communities we serve through a continuum of wraparound supportive services.

Mission Statement

The mission of The Broken Bird Inc. is to provide exemplary counseling and wraparound supportive services in collaboration with federal, state, and local organizations, and to facilitate positive and measurable changes in individuals affected by homelessness, addiction, and abuse.

Vision Statement

Healing brokenness so individuals will learn, practice, change, and develop a healthy wholesome way of life without the use of drugs.

The Broken Bird Inc. Counseling Services
Tools of Recovery:

By the time an addict and alcoholic realize that they have an addiction every area of their lives has be ravished by the drugs and alcohol. In sessions with the counselor, clients are taught the tools of healing the mind, body, and spirit in addiction recovery incorporating tools to foster healthy daily living. We offer Prepare/ Enrich Marriage and Family Facilitation, Professional Addictions Counseling, and Pastoral Counseling.

Relapse Prevention:

Relapse prevention and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies are utilized. The counselor teaches clients how to reduce craving by identifying their physical, psychological, and social set-up behaviors, while learning about their personal relapse triggers and beginning the trigger recovery process.

Coping with Emotions:

Alcoholics and addicts cover unpleasant or painful emotions (i.e. shame, guilt, anger, grief, fear, boredom) by drinking and using mood mind altering substances, they need to learn tools of recovery to cope with emotions without using. Counselors equip clients with specific techniques to build life skills and self-esteem.

Building Recovery Peer Support:

With over 15 years of experience in the human services field as a targeted case manager, peer support specialist and an alcohol and drug counselor, Clara has learned that the most effective tool in recovery is talking to another recovering alcoholic or addict. The Broken Bird Inc. Counseling Services meets clients where they are at and supports them in building recovery community support.

Family support:

Addiction is a family disease and, therefore, the entire family unit is affected. Counseling is available for family members and other significant others who have been affected by their loved one's addictive patterns. Family members are provided education on alcohol and drug addiction and the process of recovery for both their addicted loved one and for themselves. This education includes guidance and support in attaining a support system that will help them set and enforce boundaries enabling them to reclaim their lives, whether or not their loved one decides to get help.


Self-referral: Addicted persons or their loved ones can call The Broken Bird Inc. Counseling Services directly to schedule an appointment. We understand that there are times when finances are limited therefore, we offer sliding scale fees and client assistance funds (based on availability) when necessary.

From providers, treatment programs, or recovery houses: An appropriate referral to our practice is required from the provider, treatment program, recovery house case manager, or therapist. Consultations are available to evaluate the level of care and treatment, every effort will be made to maintain collaboration with the referring program.


Healing the broken mind, body and spirit.

Website by Daerik